
TMS Therapy Costs

As a mental health clinic specializing in treating patients with treatment-resistant depression, we understand the challenges of finding affordable and effective treatment options. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses magnetic pulses to alleviate symptoms of depression by increasing brain activity in the prefrontal cortex. In this artice, we'll discuss TMS therapy costs, how many treatments are necessary, what insurance covers, additional costs to consider, expected results, side effects, and the advantages of TMS therapy. 

How Much Does TMS Therapy Cost?

TMS therapy costs vary based on several factors, including the number of treatments required, location, and other factors. On average, a single session of TMS therapy costs between $300 and $500.

How Many Sessions of TMS Do You Need? 

A full course of treatment typically involves 20-30 sessions and it can be conducted in as little as 6 weeks or as long as 10 depending on how often one comes in for treatment. This means that the total cost of TMS treatment for depression can range from $6,000 to $15,000.

Most patients do not pay for TMS out-of-pocket. However, the cost of TMS therapy without insurance is $300 per treatment which can be adjusted on a sliding scale.

Will Insurance Cover TMS Therapy Costs?

Many patients ask "how much is TMS therapy with insurance?" The answer is that most insurance plans we accept do cover TMS after a patient has been diagnosed with treatment-resistant depression. This is typically defined as having failed 2 or more antidepressants. Unfortunately, despite 16 other states covering TMS by state Medicaid programs, Colorado Medicaid currently does not. Because we believe so strongly in increasing access to this life-changing treatment option, we have personally created a scholarship program to cover Medicaid patients who may be interested in TMS. This makes Axis Integrated Mental Health THE ONLY clinic in Colorado to accept Medicaid patients for TMS therapy. 

No matter what your insurance plan is and regardless of the treatment selected, we will work with you to treat your condition at the lowest possible cost. This includes working with your insurance provider to secure prior authorizations to cover TMS therapy costs before treatment so there are no surprises. 

Additional Costs to Consider with TMS Therapy

Unlike ketamine therapy and Spravato, you do not need an alternative transportation plan after TMS therapy. Because there is virtually no downtime, you can do the 20-minute treatment over a lunch break, and return to work after the treatment.  

The only additional costs beyond the TMS therapy sessions are your fees for initial consultations, assessments, or follow-up appointments, which are all covered by insurance.  

Expected Results, Side Effects, and Advantages of TMS Therapy

Approximately 50%-60% of patients who have failed with traditional antidepressants report some benefit to TMS therapy. Nearly a third of those go into complete remission. Patients who receive TMS therapy report a reduction in symptoms of depression, including improved mood, increased energy, and better sleep. TMS therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with minimal side effects, such as mild scalp discomfort or headaches. The most significant advantage of TMS therapy is that it can be effective for individuals who have not responded to other depression treatments, making it a valuable option for those with treatment-resistant depression or major depressive disorder. 

Who Should Try TMS Therapy?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive and relatively safe treatment option for individuals with depression and some other neurological and psychiatric conditions. 

TMS therapy may be a good option for individuals who have tried other forms of treatment for depression, such as medication and psychotherapy, but have not seen significant improvement in their symptoms. It may also be a good choice for individuals who cannot tolerate the side effects of antidepressant medications or who do not want to take medication for personal or medical reasons. 

TMS is also FDA approved for nicotine cessation and OCD and off-label for other psychiatric conditions. 

Who Should NOT Attempt TMS Therapy?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is generally considered a safe and well-tolerated treatment for depression and some other neurological and psychiatric disorders. However, there are certain situations and conditions where TMS therapy may not be suitable. These include: 

  1. People with metallic or electronic devices in or near their head - TMS uses a strong magnetic field to stimulate the brain, which can interfere with metallic or electronic devices like pacemakers, cochlear implants, aneurysm clips, and certain types of dental work. People with these devices should not undergo TMS therapy.   
  2. People with a history of brain injury or neurological disorders - TMS may not be effective or safe for individuals with a history of brain injury or neurological disorders, such as stroke or multiple sclerosis.  

At Axis Integrated Mental Health, your psychiatrist will discuss any medical conditions or concerns with you before starting TMS therapy to determine if it is appropriate for you. 

Is TMS the Same Thing as Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)?

TMS is not the same thing as ECT or “shock therapy” as it is known to some. TMS does not require anesthesia and doesn’t cause the same memory loss problems and cognition that some patients have experienced with ECT. We do not offer ECT at Axis Integrated Mental Health.  

What Are the Advantages of TMS vs. Ketamine Treatment?

TMS therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for individuals with treatment-resistant depression and may be preferred to ketamine therapy for several key reasons:

  • Requires no downtime: Patients undergoing TMS treatment can drive and go back to work after the treatment. 
  • TMS is covered by most insurance plans: With the exception of Medicaid, TMS expenses are covered by most insurance plans making it a more affordable option than ketamine infusion, which can only be paid for out-of-pocket.
  • No medication required: TMS therapy uses magnetic stimulation to treat patients. It is particularly helpful for patients who are trying to reduce their medication burden or, who cannot take medications for personal or medical reasons e.g. because of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Can I Get TMS Therapy at the Same Time as Ketamine Treatments? 

Not only is this possible, we actively encourage patients suffering from severe depression to do both treatments. In our experience, patients who have completed both treatments not only experience the best outcomes but are able to reduce their medication load significantly or go into complete remission from depression and anxiety. Moreover, their results last longer resulting in reduced reliance on daily medications. Speak to your provider about your insurance benefits and if there are any specific requirements for prior authorizations before starting treatment. The order of treatment may significantly reduce costs overall.

How Can I Get an Estimate for TMS Therapy Costs in Denver?

Axis Integrated Mental Health is a leading provider of TMS Therapy in Denver, Colorado. To get an accurate estimate for TMS Therapy costs in Denver, contact us at (720) 400-7025 or book an intake appointment with our psychiatrists to understand the full range of treatment options we offer for depression and anxiety.