

Mental Health & Wellness Clinics located in Aurora, Louisville and Westminster, CO


About OCD

More than 2% of adults experience obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). If you’re tired of having daily compulsions you can’t break free from or distressing thoughts linked to OCD, see the experts at Axis Integrated Mental Health in Louisville and Aurora, Colorado. The experienced mental health team provides effective solutions to ease distress and other debilitating symptoms. Schedule an in-person or telehealth evaluation at Axis Integrated Mental Health by phone or request one online today.


What is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition associated with intrusive thoughts and compulsive behavior patterns that may interfere with living a functional, fulfilling life. When not treated, OCD may cause problems in your professional or personal life. It can negatively affect adults, teens, and children. 

Which symptoms are associated with OCD?

OCD is linked to the following symptoms:

  • Intrusive memories or thoughts
  • Problems concentrating or making decisions
  • Difficulty functioning in social situations
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fear of dirt or germs
  • Constant hand-washing
  • Continuously checking for locked doors 
  • Ritualistic behavior patterns
  • Constant worry or fear
  • The feeling of being judged by others
  • Need for extreme orderliness
  • Arranging canned goods all the same way

Mild symptoms may not be problematic, but extreme OCD symptoms can interfere with your quality of life by affecting your job, school, self-care, or social life. 

What might increase the risk of OCD?

If you have a family member with OCD, you’re more likely to have the condition, as genetics and learned behaviors appear to play a role in its development. Other risk factors include stress, brain chemistry changes, and trauma. 

There could be a connection between anxiety, depression, tic disorders, or substance misuse and OCD. However, the exact cause of the condition isn’t entirely clear. 

How is OCD diagnosed?

The Axis Integrated Mental Health experts diagnose OCD after completing a psychiatric evaluation and a medical exam if needed. They discuss your medical history, moods, emotions, medications, lifestyle, behaviors, and more to determine which mental health challenges you may suffer from and how to best treat them. 

How is OCD treated?

Treating OCD and other mental health challenges associated with this condition may include:

  • Integrative psychotherapy
  • Medication management
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Lifestyle coaching
  • Ketamine infusions
  • Nutrition psychotherapy 
  • Acupuncture

The goal at Axis Integrated Mental Health is de-prescribing whenever possible. The team takes a holistic approach to mental health care and is the only clinic in Colorado to provide TMS to Medicaid patients. They call insurance companies on a patient’s behalf to minimize coverage costs.

Schedule an in-person or telehealth OCD evaluation at Axis Integrated Mental Health by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.