
Step Down Care

Mental Health & Wellness Clinics located in Aurora, Louisville and Westminster, CO

Step Down Care

About Step Down Care

If you’ve received intensive outpatient or residential mental health care and are ready to step down into a less intense treatment, see the experts at Axis Integrated Mental Health in Louisville and Aurora, Colorado. The exceptional mental health team provides step-down care to patients aged 5 and older. Schedule an in-person or telehealth evaluation by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.

Step Down Care Q&A

What is step-down care?

As the name implies, step-down care at Axis Integrated Mental Health involves a step down from intense, frequent, or inpatient treatment. For example, a patient might be ready to step down (receive a less intense form of care) after completing an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or a partial hospitalization program (PHP). 

What are the goals of step-down mental health care?

The goal of mental health treatment at Axis Integrated Mental Health is effective recovery with a focus on eventually de-prescribing, or taking fewer medications over time.

The focus of step-down care is providing evidence-based treatments that maximize an individual's ability to function with a minimal risk of relapse or the need for inpatient hospitalization. 

Am I a candidate for step-down care?

The Axis Integrated Mental Health team discusses your medical history, medications, treatment plan, and previous mental health care. They also complete a psychiatric evaluation to determine if you have any of the following or another condition where step-down care is necessary:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Substance use disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 
  • Eating disorders
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Your condition and progress during any past treatments determines if you’re a candidate for step-down care at Axis Integrated Mental Health.

What should I expect during step-down care?

A step-down treatment plan at Axis Integrated Mental Health varies from person to person based on their individualized needs. Your program might include:

  • Integrative psychiatry
  • Talk therapy (psychotherapy)
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Family-focused therapy 
  • Interpersonal therapy 
  • Medication management
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Nutritional psychiatry
  • Lifestyle coaching
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Support groups 
  • School-based support
  • Peer support
  • Skills training
  • Acupuncture and other alternative therapies

A step down would mean your treatment plan progresses from intense to more moderate. For example, you might receive a lower dosage of medication or less frequent psychotherapy sessions.

The Axis Integrated Mental Health team works closely with other providers or programs when necessary to ensure you achieve a successful outcome and the exceptional care you deserve. 

The practice is the only clinic in the state of Colorado to offer TMS treatment to Medicaid patients, and the team calls insurance companies on a patient’s behalf to minimize out-of-pocket costs.

Schedule an in-person or virtual step-down evaluation at Axis Integrated Mental Health by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.