

Mental Health & Wellness Clinics located in Aurora, Louisville and Westminster, CO


About Trauma

Psychological trauma can significantly affect your quality of life and increase your risk of more severe mental health problems. At Axis Integrated Mental Health, with offices in Louisville and Aurora, Colorado, the team of mental health specialists provides comprehensive trauma care. They develop personalized treatment plans that incorporate talk therapy, medication management, and other modalities to relieve symptoms and improve your quality of life. Call the nearest Axis Integrated Mental Health office to schedule trauma treatment, or book your appointment online today. Telehealth visits are also available.

Trauma Q&A

What is psychological trauma?

Psychological trauma is an emotional response to a traumatic event, like military combat, a severe car accident, abuse, or a violent crime. Not everyone who witnesses or experiences a frightening event develops trauma, but for those who do, it can be debilitating.

If you’re traumatized, you experience intense emotions, such as overwhelm, shock, and fear. These emotions are hard to process alone. Working with a qualified mental health professional can help you confront trauma head-on and cope with it in a healthy way.

Are there different types of trauma?

The Axis Integrated Mental Health team treats several types of trauma, including:

Acute trauma

This type of trauma occurs after a single stressful or dangerous event, like a deadly car accident. 

Chronic trauma

This type occurs due to long-term exposure to stressful or frightening events. Common causes of chronic trauma include child abuse, bullying, and domestic violence. 

Complex trauma

This type affects people who have been exposed to several different traumatic events. For example, someone could be abused as a child and witness military combat as an adult. 

When should I see a mental health professional about trauma?

Make an appointment at Axis Integrated Mental Health if you’ve witnessed or been involved in a traumatic event and you often find yourself thinking about it or replaying it in your head. That’s especially true if your thoughts occur alongside:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Denial
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional numbness 
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Hopelessness

When trauma goes untreated, it often builds up on the inside and is released through emotional outbursts. Many people with trauma find it difficult to cope with how they feel, so they try to mask their feelings with substances or compulsive behaviors.

How is psychological trauma diagnosed?

Your Axis Integrated Mental Health provider asks about your history of trauma and the symptoms you’re experiencing. Answer their questions honestly. They won’t judge you, and your candor is vital for proper treatment. Your provider completes a psychiatric exam and has you fill out a psychological questionnaire. 

Your provider uses this information to develop a personalized treatment plan. The treatment plan teaches you how to cope with trauma, improving your mood, outlook, and quality of life. 

How is psychological trauma treated?

The Axis Integrated Mental Health team treats psychological trauma with a combination of integrative therapy, prescription medication management, and healthy lifestyle changes. The goal is to help you process your trauma so you can move on with your life. 

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the team might recommend ketamine infusion therapy and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Ketamine therapy helps you process difficult experiences, while TMS activates the areas of your brain responsible for mood and outlook. Both can ease trauma and help you feel your best.

Call the nearest Axis Integrated Mental Health office to schedule trauma treatment, or book your appointment online today.