
Tips for Building the Best Ketamine Music Playlist

Feb 11, 2023
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Music drives the entire ketamine therapy experience. This blog posts gives you guidelines for choosing the best ketamine music for your session.

Tips for Building the Best Ketamine Music Playlist

Your ketamine music playlist is one of the most important factors in ensuring a good ketamine therapy session for depression and anxiety. While recent studies have shown that a single dose of ketamine can lead to rapid and sustained improvement in depression symptoms, creating positive associations for dealing with depression and anxiety outside of the treatment room is also important. That is why we believe that having a good ketamine music playlist is very important for treatment.

Scientific Studies Supporting Music Therapy

Although research on ketamine music is still forthcoming, there have been several scientific studies that have shown the benefits of music in reducing depression and anxiety symptoms. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that listening to music for just 15 minutes per day can lead to a significant reduction in symptoms of depression. Another study published in the Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology found that music therapy was effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with chronic illnesses.

General Guidelines for Building the Best Ketamine Music Playlist

No one ketamine music playlist works for everyone and some patients may find some of the frequencies we list below unhelpful as everyone is unique. However, over the years, we have observed some commonalities in the type of music for ketamine psychedelic therapy our patients do well. The best playlist for ketamine therapy is calming and relaxing. Music should have a slower tempo and be devoid of any spoken words or lyrics, as lyrics can be distracting and may not be in line with the goals of the therapy. It is also recommended to avoid music that is too fast-paced, as this can be overstimulating and can lead to increased anxiety and stress.

As ketamine can impact bladder sensitivity in some patients, we recommend choosing music that doesn't include water sounds in the background. Many of our original playlists that our patients still love include a lot of classical piano music in addition to some of the previous suggestions. Experimenting with what works best for your ketamine therapy sessions is a great way to do something for yourself and reinforce your identity.

Healing Frequencies to Include In Your Ketamine Music Playlist

Music has been shown to have a powerful effect on the brain and has been used in various forms of therapy for centuries. For our patients being treated for major depressive disorder or treatment-resistant depression at Axis Integrated Mental Health, we provide noise-canceling headsets and relaxing ketamine music playlists as patients recline in our zero-gravity chairs for approximately two hours. There are several key elements of music that some researchers theorize help to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms, including the Schumann Resonance, Solfeggio frequencies, and Binaural Beats.

The Schumann Resonance

The Schumann Resonance refers to the natural electromagnetic frequency that surrounds the Earth. This frequency has been shown to have a calming effect on the brain and can help to reduce anxiety and stress. Listening to music that is in tune with the Schumann Resonance can help to align the brain and body, creating a sense of calm and relaxation.

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies are a set of six musical frequencies that are believed to have healing properties. These frequencies have been used in various forms of therapy for centuries, and have been shown to have a positive effect on the brain and body. Listening to music that incorporates Solfeggio frequencies can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and can even promote healing and well-being.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats, on the other hand, are sounds that are designed to create a specific brainwave pattern. This can be achieved by playing two different frequencies in each ear, creating a rhythmic pattern that has been shown to have a calming effect on the brain. Binaural beats have been used in therapy for anxiety and depression, and have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms.

Potential Ketamine Music Triggers

As therapeutic as music can be, some music can also be triggering to patients, which is why we avoid modern music choices in our playlists. For instance, many love songs or wedding songs can trigger a sense of loss in patients who have experienced a divorce or relationship loss. One patient found Pachelbel's Canon in D to be triggering because it reminded her of all the violin practice sessions her parents insisted on while she was growing up. Interestingly, as this patient recovered, she actually requested to hear this song again on the playlist as a reminder of how far she had come. The best playlist for ketamine is ultimately the one that resonates with you during your ketamine therapy sessions.

Axis Integrated Mental Health's Playlists

At Axis Integrated Mental Health, we believe that music can be a great complement to enhance the benefits of ketamine therapy for depression and anxiety. The music for ketamine therapy can also be used outside of the treatment room during meditation or during stressful times to calm the mind and body, and be a path back to peace and relaxation. We have some patients who report listening to their playlist while inhaling the lavender aromatherapy scent we use in the clinic as their go-to method for recovery. We have created a Spotify playlist for ketamine therapy for our patients, featuring some relaxing ketamine music that is in tune with the Schumann Resonance, incorporates Solfeggio frequencies, and utilizes Binaural Beats. You can check out our ketamine music on our profile and we'll continue to add more playlists for everyone to enjoy.