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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a serious issue that affects 6 to 8 percent of the population. It’s not something you should just brush off as a childhood ailment. ADHD is a lifelong condition that one has to manage into adulthood.  

Many people believe that those with ADHD are simply unorganized and forgetful. Others consider them to be lazy or impulsive. In reality, these are symptoms of the underlying condition rather than the root cause itself. 

An individual with ADHD may be able to channel their energy in constructive ways. Still, they have difficulty focusing for extended periods of time in school and other settings where sustained attention is required.

If you have ADHD, you need to understand that it isn’t something you can cure or just get over; instead, it requires constant monitoring and management.

Basics of ADHD

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a condition that causes people to have excessive amounts of energy, difficulty focusing on a task, and trouble controlling impulsive behavior. 

The condition often appears in childhood and lasts throughout a person’s life. While some symptoms are less pronounced in adulthood, they never truly disappear. They just become easier to manage with proper treatment. 

While various experts may argue over the best way to define this condition, they all agree on two things. First, it is a serious disorder that affects many people’s lives. Second, the condition is often treated incorrectly. Part of the reason for this is that the symptoms of ADHD can also be found in many other conditions. This makes it especially difficult to diagnose.

Recognize the Symptoms of ADHD in Children & Adults

The signs and symptoms of ADHD are often similar in adults and children, although they may manifest in different ways. 

  • Impulsivity: One may have trouble waiting for things to happen. Such as waiting for one’s turn when playing a game or waiting for one’s turn to talk in a conversation. 
  • Hyperactivity: Children may seem to run, jump, or climb when it isn’t appropriate. Both adults and children may fidget in their seats and move when others are sitting still. They may talk excessively. 
  • Disorganization: ADHD can impact executive functions, such as the ability to stay organized. For children, that can look like a messy room or locker, and for adults, that may look like a messy desk or home. 
  • Short attention spans: Individuals with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, especially to something they find uninteresting. 
  • Issues with follow-through: It may be difficult for children with ADHD to follow through on projects or plans, quickly moving on to something else. 
  • Poor listening skills: Children and adults may exhibit poor listening skills. They are easily distracted when listening to others, especially in a group environment. They may also have issues with waiting their turn to speak. 

Treatment for ADHD

Treatment for ADHD for both adults and children includes a combination of therapy, education, skills training, and medication.


Psychotherapy is often used to treat ADHD. It can help one learn how to reduce impulsive behavior, cope with failure, learn organizational skills, improve time management skills, and develop strategies for controlling emotions. 

The most common types of therapy for ADHD include cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training, parenting skills training, family therapy, and psychotherapy.


Medications can be used to manage the symptoms of ADHD. 

Stimulants can be used to help you focus and get things done at school or work. Certain antidepressants can also be used for the same purpose. 

Medications can also be used to help reduce restlessness at night to ensure a good night’s sleep.


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a new and innovative treatment for individuals suffering from ADHD and various mental health conditions. This is a non-invasive procedure that influences electrical activity in the brain. Through multiple treatments, TMS can help mitigate the effects of ADHD.

These are just some ways to manage your or your child’s ADHD. You can work with the Axis Integrated Mental Health team to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Take Steps to Find Out if Your Child has ADHD

If you notice these symptoms in your child, keep a log. This record of their behavior can help you make a more informed decision about whether your child may have ADHD. 

If you suspect that your child may have ADHD, be sure to have them evaluated by a professional. Many people with this condition aren’t diagnosed until adulthood. This means they went years without treatment, making their life more difficult.

How to Deal With ADHD

If you know or suspect that you or your child has ADHD, it’s important to seek treatment. There are many ways to work around the symptoms of ADHD and still be successful in life. 

  • Create a structured environment.
  • Create a daily routine with set times for work and leisure time. Have regular meal times and a designated place for work. 
  • Create clear expectations for your child and what is expected of them in different situations. 
  • Consider finding a support network of people who know about the disorder. This can include friends, family members, teachers, and therapists. They can help you navigate the disorder and provide support. Follow a consistent treatment plan.

Whether you or your child has ADHD, a consistent treatment plan is necessary. This means taking medications when indicated, following a doctor’s orders, and creating a daily schedule.

Organize Your Home and Environment for Optimal Concentration

If you have ADHD, you may find it difficult to concentrate on tasks. This can make it tough to study or sit down and finish projects. 

Create a quiet, distraction-free zone for yourself. This can help you stay on task when you need to get work done. It can also help you keep your impulses in check when you have a difficult task in front of you. Keep your to-do list nearby. 

Having a list of tasks where you can see them can help you stay on track. You can write down shopping lists, appointments, and other chores that need to be done. 

Create a reward system for yourself. Rewards can be helpful when it comes to ADHD management. If there’s a task that you know is difficult for you to sit down and complete, promise yourself a reward for finishing the task.

Difference Between ADHD and Depression

People with ADHD may also suffer from depression. This is a serious mental health issue that is often misdiagnosed as ADHD due to common symptoms. Both conditions require treatment and, when treated, can be managed successfully. 

People with ADHD have difficulty concentrating and staying focused on tasks. They also have trouble controlling their impulses and may have a hard time completing projects. 

People with depression have low moods and feelings of hopelessness. They also have low self-esteem and may feel guilty or ashamed even when they haven’t done anything wrong. 

ADHD and depression can happen together. When this occurs, it’s important to seek treatment for both conditions. Treating one condition without the other may help in the short term, but neither condition can truly be managed until both are treated.

Experience Relief from Your ADHD in Aurora, CO Today

Whether you have ADHD or suspect that a loved one does, it’s important to get the condition diagnosed. Once you know what you’re dealing with, it’s easier to devise a treatment plan and deal with the symptoms. 

If you are suffering from anxiety that is impacting your life, it is time to get help. At Axis Integrated Mental Health, we can help you explore various options for treating your ADHD. 

Contact Axis Integrated Mental Health at (720) 400-7025 or fill out our contact us form to get the help you need today in Aurora, Colorado, to treat your ADHD. 

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