Every year, 266,000 Coloradans experience serious thoughts of suicide. That number is staggering. But what’s even more alarming? Half of them won’t seek help.
At first, we thought the answer was simple: reach more patients, expand access, and provide cutting-edge treatments like Spravato and TMS. But when we took a step back and looked at the big picture, we saw something we couldn’t ignore.
We were focusing on the wrong people.
If 50% of people cite stigma as the reason they don’t seek care, then our efforts couldn’t just be about treating the ones who made it through the door. We had to find the ones who never even knocked. And to do that, we needed to think bigger—beyond our own clinic, beyond our own patients.
That’s why we launched the 266K Project.
This isn’t just about us. This is about lifting an entire system. It’s about working together with other clinics, mental health professionals, businesses, and everyday people to make seeking help normal, expected, and supported. It’s about equipping loved ones—the people most likely to notice when something is wrong—with the tools to reach those who are struggling.
This project isn’t just about treating mental illness. It’s about finding the people who need help, connecting them to care, and breaking the silence that keeps too many suffering in the dark.
We know that people suffering from severe depression and suicidal thoughts often don’t reach out on their own. They may be scared. They may feel like a burden. They may believe their pain is invisible or that no one will understand.
But their loved ones see it.
A friend notices they’ve stopped texting back.
A coworker sees them withdrawing.
A parent watches as their child loses interest in everything they once loved.
These are the people who can help—but they often don’t know how. They feel helpless, afraid of saying the wrong thing, uncertain of what to do next.
That’s where the 266K Project comes in.
We’re shifting the focus from the ones suffering in silence to the ones who can help them find their way back
We believe no one clinic can do this alone. That’s why we’re offering free courses for healthpreneurs—so that other providers can learn from our experience, share knowledge, and work together to raise the standard of mental health care across Colorado.
We’ve also created a collaborative space for providers to ask questions, troubleshoot challenges, and support each other. When clinics work together, more people get the help they need.
2. Leveraging Our BraveNotBroken Community to Reach More People
Our BraveNotBroken community has been a beacon of hope for so many, helping people share their stories, break the stigma, and encourage others to seek care.
Now, we’re using that same powerful community in advertising, outreach, and education—helping those in need find the care that works for them, whether it’s at our clinic or another.
If you want to share your story and be part of the movement, email us → [morethanmeds@axismh.com]
3. A Free Depression Quiz to Help People Recognize When It’s Time to Get Help
Many people don’t know how to identify when their symptoms have reached the point of needing professional care.
That’s why we created a simple, science-backed depression quiz that helps people assess their symptoms and take the next step.
This quiz can be used by individuals wondering if they need help OR by loved ones who suspect something is wrong but don’t know how to confirm it.
Take the quiz today → [Link]
4. Education on How to Start the Conversation & Support a Loved One
We hear it all the time:
"I know someone struggling, but I don’t know what to say."
That’s why we’ve created practical, compassionate guides that walk people through:
• How to recognize when a loved one is struggling
• How to start the conversation without fear or judgment
• How to encourage them to seek treatment
Read our guide: "How to Help Someone with Depression"
Read our guide: "How to Start the Conversation"
5. Raising Awareness Through the 266K Logo Initiative
One of the simplest but most powerful ways we can normalize mental health care is by making it visible.
That’s why we’re offering FREE 266K logos and social media kit to businesses, organizations, and community groups.
6. A free directory listing to mental health resources that may not be easy to find. Our motto has always been that Mental Health is More than Meds. Sometimes, it's things like hairstylists who specialize in combing out matted hair for someone suffering from prolonged depression. It might be cleaning services that can help someone get their life back together again after letting things go too long. If you're someone who can help someone get back on their feet in small or big ways, please add yourself to our directory! We want this directory to grow! Not only will you get a backlink and possibly, a feature on our blog, but you may be helping someone find a unique resource that can offer a piece of someone's life back to them.
How You Can Help
This isn’t just our fight. This is Colorado’s fight.
Together, we can find the 266K.
Together, we can break the stigma.
Together, we can save lives.
Join the movement today → Find the 266K